Friday, 26th June 2009.
Yesterday I went to say a final goodbye to Susie. Christopher and Sarah came with me. We met Donald, her husband and their twin sons, David and Jonathan at their home in Chelmsford at 1.45 pm and took a taxi to Chelmsford Crematorium.
The small wooden casket with its brass plaque bearing Susan's name was carried by the Director. We followed him in dignified procession, along a neatly paved pathway lined with deep beds of roses ablaze with colour, to the little grave, freshly dug for our beloved daughter. We stood in silence before it until Christopher was invited to lower the little casket with its precious contents into its final earthly resting place.
Donald, David and Jonathan then placed the the roses they had freshly picked from their garden on top of the casket and, kneeling on the grass mat, I laid John's crucifix beside them, along with a favourite photograph of Susan and a red and white girdle of St Philomena - symbol of Purity.
Sarah then sang "You have a Friend" a CD of which by James Taylor Susan had especially requested Sarah to bring her at UCLH.
As we listened to Sarah singing under a brilliant blue sky, we heard Susie say:
" ... just call on my name and you know wherever I am, I'll come running. Winter, Summer, Springtime or Fall, all you have to do is call . . . .
It is Susan's pledge.
Before leaving her, we stood around her in silent prayer, thinking of the devoted and conscientious wife, mother, sister, daughter, teacher and friend she was, and made our own individual pledges to her.
Au Revoir, Darling Susie, till we meet joyfully through Jesus in Heaven. Requiescat in Pace.
From Chelmsford Crematorium we made our way to the South Lodge Hotel for afternoon tea, hosted by Donald, David and Jonathan.